Respitality Focus Groups

Are you a parent or guardian of someone who…?

  • Has been diagnosed with an intellectual disability or, if under age 5, a global developmental delay; and
  • living with that loved one on a full-time basis; and
  • residing in Simcoe County

If so, we need your valuable insight to help shape Empower Simcoe’s Respitality Program to ensure it is meaningful and fulfilling to you as a Caregiver.

If you cannot participate on any of the dates below, we invite you to complete a short feedback survey to ensure that the Respitality Program is meeting the needs of Caregivers in our community.

Please register by clicking the suitable date/time below, then filling in the registration form. Your confirmation email will contain a link to join the focus group.

Focus Group #1 - Tuesday May 31st @ 7pm – 8pm
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Focus Group #2 - Wednesday June 1st @ 10am – 11am
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Focus Group #3 - Monday June 6th @ 2pm - 3pm
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