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Housing First

Housing First

Housing First is an approach that focuses on moving people who are chronically and episodically homeless as rapidly as possible from the street or emergency shelters into permanent housing with supports that vary according to participant need.

The supports are provided by a Housing First Case Manager, who serves as a main point of contact for the participant from assessment to follow-up and who is provided backed up support by a Housing First Supervisor, Housing First Specialist and a community of practice.

Housing First requires a community of practice and specific program guidelines that reflect the geographical area of focus of the program. In the links following are resources specific to community partners across Simcoe County, as well as the Simcoe County Regional Housing First Program’s vision, principles and program operation.

Housing First is usually based on 5 core principles:

1Immediate access to permanent housing with no housing readiness requirements

2Consumer choice and self-determination

3Individual, recovery-oriented, and client driven supports

4Harm Reduction

5Social and community integration

How to participate in the 
housing first program

If you would like to be referred to the Simcoe County Regional Housing First Program, please contact your local Housing Resource Centre by calling 705-739-0485 or emailing housingcalls  to set up an appointment to discuss the program further and initiate the referral process.


If you are already involved with a housing or homelessness service provider, you can reach out to them to start the referral process as well.

What is involved in the referral process?

Getting more information about the program
Completing a Common Intake and Consent form
Completing a Common Assessment tool
Having your request for referral added to the By-Name List

The By-Name List is a real-time, up-to-date list of all people experiencing homelessness in Simcoe County who have accessed services through Simcoe County’s Homeless Services and Supports System. 

The By-Name List helps community partners:

  • Be aware of every person experiencing homelessness by name;
  • Understand their unique needs; and
  • Prioritize them for the most appropriate and available housing support.

For more information about the By-Name List visit

Role of the housing first case worker

How can landlords get involved?